tinyBot Programming Expirements
(for mimicArm experiments click HERE)
For a summary of programming commands, check our quick reference guide
Getting Started
Watch our Introduction to Programming video to learn the basics.
Introduction to Programming from Brett Pipitone on Vimeo.
Novice Experiments
A great first program. Make your robot wave. Example available for Arduino and mimicBlock.
A simple variation on tinyBotWave. See how the parameters change the results. Examples for Arduino and mimicBlock.
This waving program moves two of tinyBot's servos, adding complexity to the program
TEXT ONLY PROGRAM: This is a simple introduction to functions with optional commands. If you've been using drag-and-drop programming, you can either skip this one or use it as your first test program.
TEXT ONLY PROGRAM: This program does the opposite of tinyBotFastWave by slowing the wave down. If you've been using drag-and-drop programming, you can either skip this one or use it as your first test program.
A simple program that uses the robots gripper. This is another building block to more complex actions.
This program combines gripper moves with servo moves. While simple, it gives a hint of how complex programs can be written.
Building on tinyBotGrabAndDrop, this program moves two servos and the gripper to create a complex program to reach for a block from a user. Then loose interest and drop it on the floor.
Intermediate Experiments
Intermediate Programming with tinyBot from Brett Pipitone on Vimeo.
This is the first experiment that's not already completed. You'll need to find juuuust the right position to set the block down.
In this experiment you'll need to tell tinyBot where the block is. There are two blanks in these programs that you'll need to fill in.