Using voiceRecognize we can determine what pre-programmed phrase has been received. Specifically, we're looking for "Hello mimicArm". When the phrase is heard the robot will wave hello.
Commands Used
Cut and paste code:
#include <robot.h>
void setup() {
voiceActivate(); //Lets Arduino know to get ready for voice commands. Initializes software serial bus on pins 2 and 3.
if (!voiceEnable()) {
Serial.println("Voice recognition module failed to initialize"); //Tells the voice recognition module to start listning
voiceSetGroup(1); //Tell the module to listen for words in group 1
else Serial.println("Voice recognition module initialized");
robotActivate(); //Tell Arduino that robot commands are coming. Initializes software serial on pins 8 and 9
robotMode(Arduino); //disable manual control
robotMove(1, 127); //Center the robot on it's base
robotMove(2, 127); //Put the robots 'shoulder' in a natural position
robotMove(3, 200); //Put robot 'elbow' at botom of wave
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (voiceAvailable()) { //check if the module has recieved any recognized words
int voiceReturn = voiceRecognize(); //Download the number coresponding to the word stored in group 1
if (voiceReturn = 1) { //"hello mimicArm" is stored in position 1. If it's recieved say so.
Serial.println("recieved Hello mimicArm");
robotMode(arduino); //Put the robot in Arduino command mode
robotMove(1, 127); //Center the robot on it's base
robotMove(2, 127); //Put the robots 'shoulder' in a natural position
robotMove(3, 90); //Put robot 'elbow' at botom of wave
delay(1000); //wait 1 second
robotMove(3, 200); //put robot 'elbow at top of wave
delay(1000); //wait 1 second before starng over